

Reflexology theoretically explains the nerve connections of many specific points of the body in the feet. These are known as reflex zones.

The purpose of this massage, as it stands, is to obtain a healthy response from the organs and systems, from the adequate stimulation applied to their corresponding reflexes, thus establishing the natural balance of the energy and functionality of the whole organism.

Our current knowledge of reflexology stems from the work of Eunice Ingham, who developed zone therapy in the 1930s. Dedicated to the professional practice of therapeutic massage, she discovered that she could treat the whole body by applying pressure to different areas of the feet. He harvested a long series of successes and drew a map of the feet indicating the location of the reflex points corresponding to the different parts of the body; This map is the practical basis of reflexology.

Foot reflexology

It consists of stimulating certain puntons of reflexes in the feet in order to maintain a good state of health. It is based on the theory that each part of the body corresponds to a perfectly located point in the feet, and on the principle that, by pressing these points of reflexes, it is possible to calm and restore the entire body balance, which is achieved Remedy many disorders. Most reflex points are located on the soles of the feet.



I recommend daily consumption of gelatin without added sugar.
Do it yourself and use Stevia to sweeten it without elevating your blood glucose. In a month you will notice a great relief in your joints.

The regular consumption of gelatine helps us strengthen our bones and tendons, cartilage and ligaments thanks to its contribution of collagen.
Gelatine takes care of our teeth, bones, has no cholesterol or fat.

• What is most remarkable is that gelatine is basically a pure protein that is obtained by extracting and processing collagen from the skin and bone tissue of animal origin. Contains 90% protein.
• Gelatine, stands as a very successful therapeutic way to care for and restore our joints, thanks to its ability to synthesize collagen in the body.
• Gelatine, also cares for osteoarthritis, reducing inflammation, especially for its ability to regenerate the cartilage of the joints.
• This food also has an amino acid known as “lysine”, which strengthens our muscles.
• It may surprise you, but gelatine is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a functional food.
• It also has ideal properties for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

To help rebuild the cartilage and bones, increase the speed of joint regeneration, we need only a portion of gelatine a day.
Thanks to the incredible contribution of collagen present in the gelatin our bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments, will be strengthened. But yes, we must consume it on a regular basis.

By Andy Caso


We know the benefits of massage on a physical level: to help relax areas of tension, improve blood circulation, release toxins through the cells, remove dead skin cells, relieve tensions and help reduce ailments such as arthritis , Muscular tensions, sports injuries, headaches …. Nevertheless, something very important is to emphasize the benefits that the massages contribute to an optimum psychic level.
Massages are a therapy in itself, as it adds benefits not only physical, but psychic and spiritual. We are a functional unit and our muscular tensions are directly related to our psychic tensions
Among the benefits that can indicate a psychic level are:

– Mute the mind
-Enjoy concentration.
– It works as an antidepressant.
– It deeply sensitizes

It promotes the release of endorphins, substances that do not give a feeling of well-being and that do not help to support the pain. They are the same ones we release when we laugh; So it helps to combat depression and negative moods.
Give yourself a massage to make you feel better.

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Benefits of massage in the cardio-vascular system.

Benefits of massage in the cardio-vascular system.

Blood acts like a train of goods in our body; Is leaving the items (nutrients for muscles and organs), and collects waste (waste metabolism). The heart (like a powerful hydraulic pump), its main organ, is a muscle that acts like a pump to make blood circulate throughout the body. It is divided into four cavities: two atria at the top and two at the bottom.

The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the left ventricle to serve the body through a network of smaller arteries and capillaries that carry nutrients to the tissues.

Blood containing little oxygen and containing carbon dioxide is transported back into the heart through capillaries and veins. The veins of the legs have valves to favor the blood flow, to avoid recoil of the blood and to counteract the force of the gravity.

Blood enters the right atrium and passes through the right ventricle into the lungs, where it receives fresh oxygen.

He then returns to the heart through the left atrium to start his course again.

The benefit of massage in the circulation …

The massage with its stimulation helps the train of goods (the blood) to improve its circulation.
Massage helps transport trash (metabolic waste) from the muscles through the capillaries and veins, improving the transport of nutrients to muscles and organs through the arteries and capillaries.

In addition massage with its calming effect can also have a beneficial effect on heart rate.

Receive a massage and improve your circulation.

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Some physiological effects of massage

Some physiological effects of massage

The physical effects of massage therapy can improve or relieve pain and reduce the possibility of injury in several ways. Massage increases the health of the body’s internal tissues, improving circulation of blood and nutrients.

Massage involves two types of responses:

• Mechanical responses as a result of pressure and movement as soft tissues are manipulated

• Reflex responses in which nerves respond to stimulation.

Massages allow more fluids and nutrients to flow through the tissue. Waste products are disposed of and again oxygen and nutrients are supplied.

Stretching the tissues during a massage helps the muscle fibers to release the tension they accumulate.

Effects on skeletal system

• Massage can help increase mobility of the joints, reducing any thickening of the connective tissue, and helping release movement restrictions

• Helps release adhesions, break down scar tissue and decrease inflammation. As a result, it can help restore the range of motion of stiff joints.

• Massage improves muscle tone and balance, reduces physical stress accumulated in muscles and joints.

Effects on the muscular system

• Massage relieves muscle tightness, stiffness, spasms and restrictions on muscle tissue.
• Increases flexibility in muscles due to muscle relaxation.

• Increases blood circulation by bringing more oxygen and nutrients into the muscle. This reduces fatigue and muscle pain.

• Promotes rapid removal of toxins and waste products from muscles.


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Scientific basis of massage as therapy (part 4) final.

Scientific basis of massage as therapy (part 4) final.

The work of the Miami Touch Research Institute was done with the rigor of the scientific method.

We expose some effects of massage.

It decreases anxiety and pain perception, in people who have had a cerebrovascular accident, helps with the patient’s relaxation.

-Reduce some signs of agitation in people with Alzheimer’s.

-Increases lung function quality and improves asthma control.

– It decreases anxiety, depression, hostility, anger and pain (increase endorphins) in people with cancer.It also increases vigor.

– It decreases the frequency, duration and intensity of headaches, reduces stress and improves sleep.

–Diabetes: Decreases depression, anxiety and increases the effectiveness of insulin treatment and nutritional regulation.

– Chronic back pain: Reduces pain

– Back pain: Lower the symptom of pain and muscle contracture.

End .

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Scientific basis of massage therapy (part 3)

Scientific basis of massage therapy (part 3)

By Andy Caso,

Massage improves the osteoarticular system with a blood supply to the joint and surrounding tissues, elevating the formation and circulation of synovial fluid.

Increases the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus.

Massotherapy benefits the bone system favoring the absorption of calcium.

In the intestines massage increases gastrointestinal motility by controlling the secretion of insulin and glucose, hormones involved in the absorption of nutrients. That is why massage improves nutrition and optimizes the digestion process.

It favors the ability of the nervous system to receive stimuli by increasing the excitation threshold; Except for pain, whose perception is diminished.
It is proven that massage increases neural connections (synapses).
In addition, masotherapy increases parasympathetic activity and improves cognitive and learning abilities.

Metabolism: Decreases blood levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and excess catecholamines (related to high blood pressure and stress).
Increases serotonin (neurotransmitter). Increases melatonin (thought to regulate sleep periods.
It increases the production of endorphins (the so-called “internal morphine” because of their similar chemical structure and, therefore, the same effects of analgesia and well-being).

Massage has been shown to have a positive effect on virtually all systems.

To be continued…

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Scientific basis of massage as a therapy (Part 2)

Scientific basis of massage as a therapy ( Part 2)
By Andy Caso

In the early 19th century, Swedish gymnast Peter Henrik Ling  _Ling described his applications in traumas, muscle fatigue and post-operative problems.
In the nineteenth century massage was in vogue in Western Europe and North America, many studies and publications on its benefits.

All this led to manual techniques being the main form of therapeutic medicine until the pharmaceutical revolution of the 1940s in the 20th century. Still, the research continued, and these were growing as confidence in the infallibility of drugs was lost. The massage was regaining and increasing its acceptance within the medicine, as evidenced by the creation of T.R.I. Of Miami that we mentioned.

Today the evidence of history tells us that it works as therapy.


The manipulation of the skin stimulates the production and local release of neurotransmitters that produce vasodilation and an increase in temperature. The heat softens the tissues and increases the elasticity of the skin.

The formation of histamine and other substances in the circulatory system
Travel through the blood and lymphatic to the whole body exerting changes significantly increasing circulation in skin and muscles; A result that is also achieved thanks to the opening of the capillaries by the mechanical action of the massage.
The lymphatic circulation is also benefited. These effects lead to better body relaxation, and a decrease in blood pressure.

The massage in the muscular system propitiates the nutrition of the muscles very important for the recovery in the capacity of neuromuscular work. . This results in reduced fatigue, and more effective muscle activity and coordination by improving neuromuscular maintenance capacity.
The massage relaxes the stressed muscles, which in turn stop putting pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels
Massage has a selective soothing effect, because by eliminating the wastes from the cells, the venous and capillary systems are opened, simultaneously entering large amounts of oxygen and nutrients, which will improve the functional state of the muscles.



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Scientific basis of massage as therapy

It is undeniable that massage has always been a healing method. In the 21st century, in the middle of a scientific era, psychiatrist James Gordon says that “massage is a medicine”, massage really has therapeutic effects.


T.R.I. (Touch Research Institute, ie Touch Research Institute) in Miami in E.E.U.U. Began with his research in 1982, was formally established by its director Dr. Tiffany Field in 1992. It is the first institute that gave itself totally to the investigation of this discipline only
It is precisely from publications of the research efforts of the T.R.I. Of Miami that we conformed much of our theoretical base .:

Well-applied massage is a powerful therapeutic tool that works with homeostasis

There are about 5 million touch receptors in our skin that send nerve impulses to the brain through the spinal cord.
When performing a massage the patient receives information, which induces modifications in his body and his mind.

The first written document on masotherapy is Chinese and is 3,000 years old. Hindus, Egyptians and ancient Persians had their manual techniques; There are Egyptian references that date from the XXII century A.C. For Babylonian-Assyrian medicine the massage was considered useful for attacking the evil of the body, and the Persians had chapters on massage in their medical writings.

With the arrival of the Renaissance, Hippocratic therapeutic techniques were revalued.
To be continued,,,
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Prenatal massage

Prenatal massage aims at relaxation of mind and body, pain relief and making you feel better.

The prenatal masseuse will know and take into account that, during pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, causing the neck, back and shoulders to be subjected to greater tension.

Reduces low back pain

One of the most common discomforts during pregnancy is low back and back pain. Indeed, the increased weight and pressure of the baby can cause the muscles to feel more loaded and, therefore, the pregnant woman suffers discomfort and pain.

Also, the development of the baby will cause the uterus to increase in size and the center of gravity to shift. In this way, the position of the pregnant woman changes and, consequently, will overload the muscles of the lumbar and back.

In this sense, prenatal massage can help reduce excess tension on these muscles, relaxing them. Thus, low back pain may decrease after the application of this type of massage, as in certain studies.

Reduces foot and leg pain

Leg pain in pregnancy

A massage focused on the leg area reduces pressure in this area due to weight gain and fluid retention.
Like lower back pain, leg and foot pain during pregnancy is very common, especially during the last trimester.

Indeed, during pregnancy, the blood flow in the body increases and, in addition, the increase in weight causing veins and arteries to compress, affecting circulation. If you added the fluid retention typical of this stage and tiredness, it is normal for pregnant women to suffer from tired legs, including cramps.

To prevent this discomfort, it is recommended to maintain good hydration and walk, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, it is recommended to practice relaxation techniques and stretching of the muscles involved.

In this sense, prenatal massages are ideal to collaborate in the reduction of these discomforts: they seek relaxation in general and, in addition, that of the leg muscles.

Prenatal massage can reduce the risk of preterm delivery
Depression and anxiety during pregnancy can be associated with a higher rate of fetal activity and premature births. In this sense, since some studies have determined that prenatal massage can reduce cortisol levels, they are related to reduced levels of stress and anxiety and an improvement in depression.

Massages are healthy by reducing stress and promoting the overall well-being of the pregnant woman.

Massage relieves normal pregnancy discomfort. Some of its benefits are:

Prenatal massages improve a woman’s mood, and also improve her cardiovascular health.

Due to increased edemas problems or joint swelling, massage is ideal for stimulating soft tissue, thereby reducing fluid retention and improving blood circulation.

A large number of women present pain in the ciatica, either in the area of ​​the splendid low or in the pyramidal muscle below the buttocks. The massage relaxes and helps to relieve these pains.

It also benefits from back pain, stiff neck and leg cramps. In addition, during pregnancy, massage reduces stress on joints that support weight, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, helps relaxation, sleep better, and may even relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.

Many professionals consider that the best position for a pregnant woman during the massage is lying on her side. This position, and the use of cushions or soft pillows as a support to relieve the tension of the lower back and the pelvis, can be comfortable. .


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