Effects of massage on the muscular system.

Massage has a fundamental role in the nutrition of muscles, very important for the recovery of neuromuscular work. This process is due to improved muscle metabolism and released acetylcholine.

The muscular vessels are dilated by the release of histamine, which increases the temperature of the tissues subjected to a massage that increases the speed of contraction of the muscles. This results in a reduction of fatigue and more effective muscular activity and coordination by improving the ability of neuromuscular maintenance.

The massage achieves relaxing the stressed muscles, which in turn stop putting pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels, helping the histamine and adrenaline are expelled. Massage has a calming effect since by eliminating waste from cells, the venous and capillary systems are opened, simultaneously entering a large amount of oxygen and nutrients, which will greatly improve the condition of the cells. muscles Massage helps to achieve greater muscle strength, reduces muscle pain and also the intensity of pain after exercise.

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Headache? Migraine? Back pain? muscle pains?

Headache? Migraine? Back pain? muscle pains?

Massage helps your relief and elimination.

Massage is especially beneficial for back pain and avoids significantly reducing the medication that does so much damage from side effects.

High blood pressure? Massage not only reduces high blood pressure values, it also significantly improves your blood and lymphatic circulation.
Stress? Nervousness, imsomnia?
The massage drastically reduces stress and reduces the hormone cortisol by a high percentage.

More fats in your body, muscular discomfort in general?
The massage eliminates toxins and facilitates the elimination of fats and greatly favors the oxygenation of our body.

Muscle tensions? Little flexibility?
The massage eliminates muscular tensions and contractures and recovers muscle tone

Make an appointment at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W/services

Reduce your fatigue and activate your muscles!

  • Massage has a fundamental role in the nutrition of muscles, it is very important for the recovery of neuromuscular work. This process is due to the improvement of the metabolism in the muscles and to the acetylcholine released.
  • The muscular vessels are dilated by the release of histamine, which increases the temperature of the tissues subjected to a massage that increases the speed of contraction of the muscles.
  • This results in a reduction of fatigue and more effective muscular activity and coordination by improving the ability of neuromuscular maintenance.
  • The massage manages to relax the stressed muscles, which in turn stop putting pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels, helping to expel histamine and adrenaline.
  • The massage has a calming effect, since by removing waste from the cells, the venous and capillary systems open, simultaneously entering a large amount of oxygen and nutrients, which greatly improve the state of the muscles. Massage helps to achieve greater muscle strength, reduces muscle pain and also the intensity of pain after exercise.

Make an appointment at :  https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W/services

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage

Hot stone massage therapy, also called geothermal energy, offers a combination of traditional therapeutic massage with the application of hot volcanic stones to the skin to facilitate the flow of vital energy and relieve physical and emotional discomfort.

Disciplines such as Reiki believe that there are seven energy centers called “chakras” in our body, and the energy of the universe flows through them.

Benefits of hot stone massage:

It reduces chronic pain and especially bones and muscles, which helps balance the nervous system and improve circulation.

It is relaxing and promotes the proper flow of energy, harmonizing the body, mind and spirit.

Revitalizes and oxygenates the skin, eliminating toxins, firming tissues and achieving a smoother and healthier appearance.

Hot stone massage has a special relaxing and therapeutic effect.

The gentle friction with hot stones on your body produces a deep state of serenity and tranquility while eliminating muscle spasms and relaxing the body.


Venous Circulation

The venous blood vessels are at the superficial level. The massage should be done in the same direction as the blood in the veins: from the extremities towards the heart. This procedure increases the flow of blood back to the heart, improves the filtering of the blood, fluidizes the blood and stimulates the function of the valves of entry and exit of the heart muscle.

Schedule Now. https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W/services


Andy Caso Massage Therapy uses the best natural oils

Andy Caso uses the best natural oils, organic oils such as; virgin olive oil, avocado oil, almond oil, coconut oil or cocoa butter oil.
You can apply any of these oils in your massage for the benefits of massage to obtain the benefits of these great oils on your skin.

The olive oil.

Olive oil has been used by Mediterranean cultures for thousands of years. “The green gold of Greece”

The massage of the skin with olive oil is an excellent way to repair the skin, combating dry or flaky skin.

Janice Cox, author of “Natural Beauty at Home”, suggests mixing olive oil with vitamin E to create a skin treatment that is rich and moisturizing.

Massage therapy alleviates pain, discomfort and muscle spasms. You can get additional benefits using olive oil in massage treatments, it is in your hands at no additional cost with Andy Caso Massage Therapy.

Olive oil is frequently used in medicinal massage in India, according to Harish Johari, author of “Ayurvedic Massage: Traditional Indian Techniques for Balancing Body and Mind.” Ayurvedic doctors prescribe massages with olive oil for the relief of inflammation, gout, arthritis, muscle aches and sprains. (1)

Olive oil helps to cure the affections of scalps. Francesca Gould, author of “Indian Head Massage,” states that olive oil is commonly used to moisturize and condition the scalp and dry hair.

Stretch marks and skin marks appear when there are internal injuries of the skin, usually appear by sudden changes in weight, for example very in the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Due to the innumerable properties that extra virgin olive oil contains, an effective and long-lasting treatment is achieved for those who suffer from acne problems.

You can read more about the benefits of olive oil at https://www.botanical-online.com/beneficios_aceite_de_oliva.htm

Ref/ https://yotuspanishoil.com/aceite-de-oliva/beneficios-para-la-piel/

Make an appointment at  https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W/services


Do you play sports, lift weights, athletics, various exercises?

Do you play sports, lift weights, athletics, various exercises?

Do you make physical effort in your workplace, in your home and present muscular discomfort?

Does your upper back and lower back hurt, do your twins hurt? Do your muscles hurt? Muscle contractures, muscular discomfort?

Then you can make an appointment for 50, 80 or 100 minutes of deep tissue.
Sports massage by Andy Caso

Make an appoitment at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W


Massage and the Nervous System, massage helps you with anxiety.

Stress is the tension caused by crippling situations that cause psychological disorders, it is in the end the reaction of our body to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional response. Anyone can be affected by stress, in this case we will talk about chronic stress that can have very negative effects on health

Stress increases heart rate and blood pressure, blood glucose levels rise … and adrenaline activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for preparing the body to face the threat or flee from it.

Stress symptoms: headaches, muscle tension, neck and back pain, sleeping problems etc., which affect mood: and produces anxiety, lack of concentration or motivation, irritability, anger, sadness or nervousness.

Therapeutic massage helps you to relax, but to a much greater extent than is supposed, we will cite some examples.

-Calms anxiety and depression by the therapeutic activity of massage itself.
– Relieves headaches by decreasing tension.
– Relieves muscle pain and improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
-Improves the quality of sleep and replenishes us with energy and tranquility.
-Power the immune system.

Make an appointment at https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W

Massage and the Nervous System



Deep pain in the piriformis muscle?

  1. If you have a deep pain below the gluteal, you may have a contracture in the Piriformis muscle, the inflammation in this muscle presses the sciatic nerve and produces a lot of pain and discomfort.
    In this case you need a therapeutic massage, so that with massage techniques, stretching and other therapeutic techniques you can relax your muscle and your sciatic nerve is loose and without the pressure that produces that pain.

    This is the best solution for you, medicines for sciatica do not cure the cause, they only relieve pain and have adverse side effects.

    Make an appointment at  https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/CMLB8W/services