Pain in the pecs?

Pain in the pecs?

Then, when you receive your relaxation massage or deep tissue all over the body ask for attention for your pectorals, a proper massage and a stretch will relieve the discomfort that the pectoral muscles produce.

Pain in the adductor muscles of the thigh?

Inflammation of the adductor muscles.

Inflammation of the adductor muscles is the most common injury in athletes, but also of health workers (nurses) when making turns to support a sick person or people who work with weight and movement. These muscles are especially susceptible to twisting by sudden changes in direction by rapid and abrupt gestures. The five adductor muscles of the thigh are inserted into the pubic bone near the groin: the adductor major, the medial adductor, the minor adductor, the rectum (also called gracilis), and the pectineum.
Massages in deep tissue on these muscles and stretching relax these muscles and improve the condition of the pain.

Ciatica and Piriformis Syndrome.

The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain (tingling, numbness or weakness) that begin in the lower back and pass through the buttocks and the major sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.

Sciatica is often characterized by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms:

Constant pain in a buttock or one leg
Pain that worsens when sitting
Burning or tingling down the leg
Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving leg or foot
Constant pain in a buttock
Sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand or walk

The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back in the lumbar segment number 3 (L3).

The symptoms of sciatica differ depending on the part of the compressed nerve. For example, a compression of the nerve in the fifth lumbar segment (L5) can cause weakness in the extension of the big toe and potentially in the ankle

Therapeutic massage.

Certain forms of massage therapy have demonstrated several benefits for back pain, including enhanced blood circulation, muscle relaxation and release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers).

A common symptom of pyriform syndrome is pain that passes through the sciatic nerve, and so piriformis is often believed to cause sciatica. However, pyriform syndrome is not the result of a disc extending beyond its usual place within the spine, compressing or irritating the nerve root – so it is not, technically, sciatica. In piriformis syndrome, it is the same piriformis muscle that irritates the sciatic nerve and causes sciatic pain.

The piriformis muscle is located inside the hip, very close to the sciatic nerve. When the pyriform muscle becomes inflamed, it can irritate the sciatic nerve. This irritation leads to sciatic pain, with symptoms of tingling and numbness that pass from the lower back to the back, and sometimes down the leg and down to the foot.

Pyriform muscle stretching exercises

It is almost always necessary to massage the pyramidal muscle and stretch the piriformis muscle to relieve the pain that passes through the sciatic nerve.
Several stretching exercises of the piriformis muscle, hamstring muscles, and extensor muscles of the hip can be used to reduce pain symptoms that pass through the sciatic nerve and restore the patient’s range of motion.

If you have been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome that causes damage to the nerve with low back pain, buttocks and back leg, make your appointment and request deep tissue + hot stone (50 or 80 minutes) deep tissue massage, Combination of heat and cold and stretches will help you significantly.

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Massage for constipation, gas and colic.

One of the treatments that are also effective for constipation is massage therapy.

The peristaltic movement can be facilitated with therapeutic massages.

The first thing to do before giving the massage is to drink a glass of water to make more fluid the faecal.

An evacuation massage is done by rubbing clockwise over the large intestine beginning in its area closest to the rectum and ascending counterclockwise.

Circular massages

Massage that pumps the different sections of the colon, with draining circular pressures. Drops in the descending direction of the colon, at the same time that the intensity is reduced and soft friction is made in a circular sense.

It is also advisable to massage the reflex areas of the body, such as the lower back. Indirectly this exercise will increase intestinal motility, in addition to strengthening the transverse abdominal muscle.

You can request a massage of only 30 minutes if you have problems of estrenimiento and you can improve significantly.

You can also request a relaxation massage or deep tissue plus 30 minutes of massage for the constipation.

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Swedish massage. Neck pain and back pain. Pain relief.

In most cases, back and neck pain are caused by muscle contracture, trauma, or spinal deformity.

Bad postures for prolonged periods cause pain mainly in the back, neck and shoulders, although at first they are not perceived, in the long run they can cause fatigue and chronic muscular pains.

Back pain can occur anywhere in the spine, from the neck to the lower back.

The massage is used in cases of cervical, lumbar and back problems.

Swedish massage facilitates the elimination of metabolic waste, in particular lactic acid, can be effected in all muscle groups of the body.

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You can also make an appointment with Andy Caso on the LorSpa website



Many athletes use massages on a regular basis as an essential part of their training routines to improve performance and recovery.

The benefits of massage, such as increased blood flow, reduced muscle pain and decreased levels of catabolic hormones.

It decreases the stiffness of blood vessels, known as arteries. This reduction in arterial stiffness tends to open the arteries, generating a greater blood flow.

A study by Okamoto measured arterial stiffness in 10 healthy young subjects before and after massages throughout the body.

The results were less rigid blood vessels and increased concentration of nitrite and nitrate, the precursors of the nitric oxide (NO) signaling molecule.


Cortisol is an anabolic hormone that has the ability to transform the body from an anabolic state, a muscle, a catabolic, a strenuous muscle.

The reduction of cortisol, caused by the massages, promotes an anabolic environment, supporting greater growth and muscular strength.

Benefits of postpartum massage.

Benefits of postpartum massage.

For the purpose of eliminating fluid retention, manual lymphatic drainage is a wonderful ally for mothers after childbirth.

Pregnancy is a very special moment in a woman’s life. Although some mothers worry about weight gain, stretch marks and cellulite during the gestation period.

Lymphatic drainage is a great ally and offers great benefits to mothers in postpartum, not only aesthetically, but also favoring their health.

Lymphatic drainage prevents and prevents circulation disorders, helping to remove fluids and toxins retained in the body. Lymphatic drainage provides emotional well-being and provides health-promoting results.

Lymphatic drainage is highly recommended after childbirth (even in cesarean deliveries) because it eliminates toxins, metabolic wastes and excess fluid.

Lymphatic drainage is not recommended for people who have some type of disease related to the lymphatic system, renal failure, thrombosis, or hypotension that is not controlled, among other cases.

It is very important that the woman consult with her doctor before starting a series of lymphatic drainage sessions.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage


This therapy combines physical massaging with the therapeutic use of stones at different temperatures, efficiently providing a deep massage.

The origin of geothermal, or stone, therapy is an ancient technique of oriental massages, such as reiki, it is believed that there are seven energy centers called “chakras”, through which the energy of the universe and the life from our bodies flow.

This geothermal therapy combines massage therapy with the use of hot and cold stones – placing them at points where such chakras are, giving us the energy to flow properly and relieving our discomfort.

The stones used are of volcanic origin, which are known to receive energy from the earth.

This type of therapy is not exclusive to the east. It was also used by Australian and American natives, in saunas, combining the use of stones with herbs.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massages


Hot stone massages reduce chronic pain, especially the bones and muscles, which helps to balance the nervous system and improve circulation.

This type of massage is relaxing and improves the proper flow of energy, harmonizing the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Using hot stones revitalizes and oxygenates the skin by removing notable toxins, reffirming the tissues and achieving a smoother and healthier body.

The hot stone massage has a special relaxing and therapeutic effect.

The gentle friction with hot stones on the body produce a deep state of serenity and tranquility, while eliminating muscle spasms and relaxing the body.



  • Coronary Chakra: This point is located at the top of the head.
  • Third Eye Chakra: This point represents the power of a woman.
  • Throat Chakra: This is the chakra of self-expression and communication.
  • Heart Chakra: This energy point is in the chest, located where the heart.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: This point represents the strength of man.
  • Navel Chakra: This is sexual point of a human.
  • Base Chakra: It is located between the genitals. This point is related to birth and death.

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By Andy Caso.

Writing and rectification in English by Andrea Caso.

Trigger Point Massage

Athletes and sedentary people are often suffering from physical pain, relating to “trigger points”.


Trigger points are areas with knots that sometimes reflect the pain at other points, these are called contraction knots.


They can exist in any muscle in the body, however, there are some specific areas that are most prone to contraction knots, and several pain points can be active at once. It is therefore known as referred pain.


To reduce pain in these trigger points, it is best to have a deep massage that pinpoints these certain areas.


Therapeutic massages relieve muscle pain produced by stress, overexertion, and poor posture.


Locating a Trigger Point


A trigger point is a sensitive point located in the skeletal muscle, that causes pain with compression, stretching, or the contraction of muscle tissue, which is generally referred pain.


Trigger points are very painful, especially when pressed, these can be active or dormant.


By Andy Caso.

Writing and rectification in English by Andrea Caso.


Swedish Massage


The Swedish Massage, created by a Swedish physician, Henrik Ling, is one of the world’s oldest and most popular techniques.


This massage oxygenates the body, removing toxins by increasing blood circulation.


Benefits of the Swedish Massage


  • Relaxes muscle tension.
  • Improves circulation.
  • Improves cardiovascular activity.
  • Relieves pain caused by muscle strain, sciatica, and hard joints.
  • Improves or eliminates cellulite.
  • Stimulates oxygenation of the skin and tissues.
  • Improves the health of the nervous system.
  • Reduces stress.

These are just some of the many benefits of the Swedish Massage.


By Andy Caso.

Writing and rectification in English by Andrea Caso.