The cranial massage

The cranial massage is applied to the skull, face, neck and shoulders and reduces tension, eliminating pain and discomfort.

Cervical tension is very common. There are several factors that often cause an increase in tension in the muscles of the cervicodorsal zone, the waist and scapula fascias in the area:

Inadequate postures to the computer, studying or sleeping, jerky movements and weightlifting create tensions that generate
the compression of blood vessels in the area, causing tension headaches, drowsiness, various types of neuralgias, tiredness, visual fatigue, mental fatigue, dizziness, and may even affect the mood.

The cranial massage is also indicated to eliminate the congestive headaches, since it facilitates the drainage of the nasal, orbicular and frontal zone eliminating the congestion of the characteristic zone of diseases like the sinusitis.

The cranial massage fulfills the double objective of eliminating the tension and the consequences that derive from it. In addition, it has a general relaxing effect, providing a feeling of calm and well-being.

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